Clusters and Surfaces under Intense Excitation – PhD

List of members


Internships and jobs




PhD offers

  • Investigation on the interaction between highly charged ions and surface magnetism

  • Director(s): Martino Trassinelli
    Funding: Doctoral School n.564 "Physique en Île-de-France"
    Status of the thesis: Experimental, Magnetism and Physics of spin, Proposed thesis, and Thesis
    Team(s): Clusters and Surfaces under Intense Excitation
    Thesis page of the team(s): Clusters and Surfaces under Intense Excitation

  • Many-body quantum dynamics in ion-ion collisions

  • Director(s): Emily Lamour
    Funding: Doctoral School n.564 "Physique en Île-de-France" or Initiative Physique des Infinis (Alliance Sorbonne Université)
    Status of the thesis: Experimental, Proposed thesis, and Thesis
    Team(s): Clusters and Surfaces under Intense Excitation
    Thesis page of the team(s): Clusters and Surfaces under Intense Excitation

  • Test of quantum electrodynamics in strong Coulomb field

  • Director(s): Martino Trassinelli
    Funding: Doctoral School n.564 "Physique en Île-de-France" or Initiative Physique des Infinis (Alliance Sorbonne Université)
    Status of the thesis: Proposed thesis and Thesis
    Team(s): Clusters and Surfaces under Intense Excitation
    Thesis page of the team(s): Clusters and Surfaces under Intense Excitation


    PhD ongoing

  • A-ray metrology for astrophysics and fundamental physics applications

  • PhD Student: Louis Duval
    Director(s): Paul Indelicato (LKB), co-Directeur : Martino Trassinelli (INSP)
    Team(s): Clusters and Surfaces under Intense Excitation

  • Nested sampling for Nuclear Quantum effects

  • PhD Student: Lune Maillard
    Director(s): Martino Trassinelli, Fabio Finocchi
    Team(s): Clusters and Surfaces under Intense ExcitationLow-dimensional oxides

  • Study of many-body dynamics in ion-ion collisions: a joint experimental and theoretical investigation

  • PhD Student: Mariette Jolly
    Director(s): Emily Lamour, Alain Dubois (LCPMR)
    Team(s): Clusters and Surfaces under Intense Excitation


    PhD defended

  • Probing Surface Magnetism with Highly Charged Ions

  • PhD Student: Perla Dergham
    Year of the defense: 2023
    Funding: ED PIF
    Team(s): Clusters and Surfaces under Intense Excitation
    Teams' Page of thesis : Clusters and Surfaces under Intense Excitation
    Link TEL: