
« Quantum Dots Optics, Electron Transport and Future Applications » by B. Eble

Publisher: Cambridge University Press

Publication date: 02/06/2012

An Introduction to Plasmonics by Olivier Pluchery, Jean-François Bryche

Publisher: Scientific World

Publication date: 09/04/2023

Oxide Thin Films and Nanostructures by Falko P. Netzer and Claudine Noguera

Publisher: OXFORD

Publication date: 02/25/2021

The Nanorevolution – How nanotechnologies are already transforming our everyday life by zar Khalatbari (writer), Jacques Jupille (with)

Publisher: Éditions Quae - Collection : Hors Collection

Publication date: 09/13/2018

Odorless, colorless and invisible, nanomaterials have invaded everyday objects: candies and chocolates, paint and glue, clothing and medicine, yogurt and prepared food, beauty cream and toothpaste! Even packaging is teaming with them. Should we be alarmed? Applaud them or boycott them? This book underscores the complexity of problem once we take an overall look at it. It warns against simplistic solutions and advocates that consumers be fully informed.