Ellucidating interplay, stability and charge transfer dynamics at lead halide perovskite nanocrystal / 2D transition metal dichalcogenide interface for solar cell applications

Ellucidating interplay, stability and charge transfer dynamics at lead halide perovskite nanocrystal / 2D transition metal dichalcogenide interface for solar cell applications

Director(s): Nadine Witkowski
Funding: ED 397
Description : http://www.ed397.upmc.fr/fr/le-recrutement/propositions_de_theses_financees.html
Start: 2020
End: 2023
PhD Sudent :Azmat Ali
Team(s): Chemical Physics and Dynamics of Surfaces
Teams' Page of thesis : Chemical Physics and Dynamics of Surfaces
Thesis status: Experimental and Thesis defended

Soutenance de thèse/ PhD Defense – Azmat Ali – 14/11/23