Equipe: Growth and properties of hybrid thin film systems

Growth – Organization – Interfaces – Members

Growth – Organization – Interfaces – Members

Equipe Chemical Physics and Dynamics of Surfaces Silvère Akamatsu (Senior Scientist – CNRS) Romain Bernard (Lecturer – Sorbonne Université) Yves Borensztein (Senior Scientist – CNRS) Sabine Bottin-Rousseau (Lecturer – Sorbonne Université) Hervé Cruguel (Senior...

Nano Photo-Phononics

Nano Photo-Phononics

Séminars Highlights Internships/PhD/Jobs Members   The Nano Photo-Phononics thematic axis gathers the activities of the INSP involving the propagation of waves. These activities aim at tailoring the properties of matter for controlling the propagation...

Growth – Organization – Interfaces

Growth – Organization – Interfaces

Highlights Internships/PhD/Jobs Members Nanoscience and nanotechnology involve systems with composite architectures that allow the emergence of new properties (mechanical, opto-electronical, chemical, biological…). In this domain, laboratory research is based on the study and implementation...

Quantum technology – Members

Quantum technology – Members

Team Photonics and Coherence of Spin Thierry Barisien (Lecturer – Sorbonne Université) Frederick Bernardot (Lecturer – Sorbonne Université) Maria Chamarro (Professor – Sorbonne Université) Laurent Legrand (Lecturer – Sorbonne Université) Christophe Testelin (Senior Scientist – CNRS)...