Multiscale Mechanics of Soft Solids – List of members

List of members


Internships and jobs




Permanent members of the team:

Non-permanent members of the team:

Traduction des statuts / Status translation
Membre permanent / Permanent memberMembre non-permanent / Non-permanent member
Assistant ingénieur = Assistant Engineer
Chargé de recherche = Scientist
Directeur de recherche = Senior Scientist
Ingénieur de recherche = Senior Engineer
Ingénieur d’études = Engineer
Maître de conférences = Lecturer
Professeur d’université = Professor
Technicien = Technician
Chercheur bénévole = Honorary research fellow
Chercheur Emerite = Emeritus Scientist
Thésard/Doctorant = PhD student
Post-doc = Post-doctoral fellow
Stagiaire = Project student
Visiteur = Visiting Scientist