Equipe: Nonophotonics and quantum optics

A Magnetic Monopole Antenna

Magnetic monopoles are theoretical particles characterized by a singular magnetic pole, distinct from common magnetic entities that manifest as pairs of magnetic poles. The notion of magnetic monopoles originated with Paul Dirac in the...

Article on the cover of ACS Photonics

A Magnetic Monopole Antenna Benoît Reynier, Xingyu Yang, Bruno Gallas, Sébastien Bidault, and Mathieu Mivelle ACS Photonics 2023 Publication Date: July 7, 2023 Article A Magnetic Monopole Antenna

Nanophotonics and quantum optics

Nanophotonics and quantum optics

The aim of our nanophotonics group is to study the interactions between light and matter at the nanoscale. We are in particular interested in different aspects of these interactions such as their chiral, quantum...