Equipe: Acoustics and optics for nanosciences and quantum physics


Whispering gallery modes in microdiscs

Light can be confined within micro- or nanostructures, resulting in both resonance and energy localization. In cylindrical dielectric microstructures, resonant modes propagate along the circles bounding the cylinder: these are called whispering gallery modes....

Quantum dot fluorescence and optomechanical coupling

Quantum dot fluorescence and optomechanical coupling

Quantum dot fluorescence and optomechanical coupling Supervisor : Agnès Maître & Olga Boyko – agnes.maitre@insp.upmc.fr Olga.Boyko@insp.jussieu.fr Keywords : Experimental, Internship, Internship M1, Internship M2, and Nano Photo-Phononics – Gratification : Oui The emission of...

Welcome to the new PhD Students

  Iliana Delbono Chemical Physics and Dynamics of Surfaces team Thesis title: Ultrafast phase-change materials for single-photon sources Supervisors: James Utterback (INSP), Franck Vidal (INSP), Giovanni Mattei (U Padua), Boris Kalinic (U Padua)  ...

Self-suspended membrane for structural and elastic investigation in industrial applications

Self-suspended membrane for structural and elastic investigation in industrial applications

Self-suspended membrane for structural and elastic investigation in industrial applications Supervisor : Laurent Belliard – laurent.belliard@sorbonne-universite.fr Keywords : Experimental, Internship M2, Nano Photo-Phononics, and Proposed thesis – Gratification : Oui Internship in collaboration with...