Equipe: Chemical Physics and Dynamics of Surfaces

pluchery olivier molecular electronics

pluchery olivier molecular electronics

back to my home page (ENG)  ||  Retour à ma page d’accueil (FR) Molecular Electronics You will find here a set of resources from my teaching of Molecular Electronics at Sorbonne University, within the...

Pluchery Olivier Alumni

Pluchery Olivier Alumni

back to my home page (ENG)  ||  Retour à ma page d’accueil (FR) Alumni and students This is the list of students who have contributed to the topics presented on my webpage. I am...

Pluchery Olivier Plasmonics

Pluchery Olivier Plasmonics

Back to my home page (ENG)  ||  Retour à ma page d’accueil (FR) Plasmonics Plamonics is a scientific topic at the edge of optics and condensed matter physics. It deals with collective modes of electrons...