Un consortium de chercheurs et chercheuses a mis au point de nouveaux matériaux colloïdaux avec une structure cœur-coquille qui leur confère la stabilité nécessaire pour une utilisation à long terme dans des caméras infrarouges....
Gold nanoparticles are well known for their ruby-red color. Researchers have long known that this color is due to the phenomenon of plasmon resonance. But this raises questions that go beyond the scientific circle,...
Interactions between nanoparticles and liquid crystal topological defects studied by advanced synchrotron experiments PhD Student: Year of the defense: 2027 Funding: Ecole Doctorale Team(s): Chemical Physics and Dynamics of Surfaces Teams’ Page of...
Composites nanoparticles/liquid crystals for new kinds of photovoltaic devices PhD Student: Year of the defense: 2027 Funding: Ecole Doctorale Team(s): Chemical Physics and Dynamics of Surfaces Teams’ Page of thesis : Chemical Physics...
Exploring 2D topological insulators with epitaxial stanene PhD Student: Year of the defense: 2027 Funding: Doctoral school (ED397) Team(s): Chemical Physics and Dynamics of Surfaces Teams’ Page of thesis : Chemical Physics and...
Epitaxy of germanene on silver: theory and simulation PhD Student: Year of the defense: 2027 Funding: Team(s): Chemical Physics and Dynamics of Surfaces Teams’ Page of thesis : Chemical Physics and Dynamics of...
back to my home page (ENG) || Retour à ma page d’accueil (FR) Molecular Electronics You will find here a set of resources from my teaching of Molecular Electronics at Sorbonne University, within the...
Team Permanent members: Sylvie Cohen-Addad, Reinhard Hölher PhD student: Nicolo Galvani Complex liquids, foams and emulsions Dynamics in foams near the jamming transition: a microgravity experiment New self-organized stacking structures in foams, controlled by...
back to my home page (ENG) || Retour à ma page d’accueil (FR) Alumni and students This is the list of students who have contributed to the topics presented on my webpage. I am...
by Olivier Pluchery · Published 19 December 2023
· Last modified 18 January 2024
Back to my home page (ENG) || Retour à ma page d’accueil (FR) Plasmonics Plamonics is a scientific topic at the edge of optics and condensed matter physics. It deals with collective modes of electrons...