Equipe: Chemical Physics and Dynamics of Surfaces

Chemical Physics and Dynamics of Surfaces – Surface functionalization

Chemical Physics and Dynamics of Surfaces – Surface functionalization

  Surface functionalization is essential for controlling important properties of materials. We are especially focused on developing highly controlled molecular layer on solid surfaces for adjusting electric and electronic properties. We are measuring the...

Chemical Physics and Dynamics of Surfaces – 2D materials

Chemical Physics and Dynamics of Surfaces – 2D materials

2D materials are an emerging class of low-dimensional materials that are promise as being the building blocks for the next generation of miniaturized electronics and optoelectronics devices. Since the discovery of graphene, thousands of...

Chemical Physics and Dynamics of Surfaces – Nanoparticles

Chemical Physics and Dynamics of Surfaces – Nanoparticles

Since their initial use for colouring cups by the ancient Romans, a large number of amazing properties of nanoparticles related to their small size has been discovered and still continue to emerge. In our...

Chemical Physics and Dynamics of Surfaces – Optoelectronics

Chemical Physics and Dynamics of Surfaces – Optoelectronics

The team has a strong interest in functional materials with potential applications for electronics and optoelectronics. This includes nanocrystals (chalcogenides and perovskites), 2D materials and also organic molecules. Our research spans from fundamental science...

Chemical Physics and Dynamics of Surfaces – Plasmonics and sensors

Chemical Physics and Dynamics of Surfaces – Plasmonics and sensors

  Propagating surface plasmon polaritons (SPP) at the surface of continuous metallic films, and localized surface plasmon resonances (LSPR) at metal nanoparticles or assemblies of nanoparticles, are known to induce peculiar effects, in particular...

Energy – Members

Energy – Members

Team Acoustics for Nanosciences Jean-Yves Duquesne (Scientist – CNRS) Danièle Fournier (Emeritus Professor – Sorbonne Université) Agnès Huynh (Lecturer – Sorbonne Université) Serge Vincent (Senior Engineer – Sorbonne Université) Equipe Couches nanométriques : formation, interfaces, défauts...



Seminars Highlights Internships/Thesis/Jobs Members The transverse energy axis includes several activities: the production of clean and sustainable energy through new generation photovoltaic cells, its recycling and recovery with efficient thermoelectric generators, but also the...