Electronics and Interfacing

  • Electronique et interfaçage
    Instrumental park. © INSP - Cécile Duflot

The Electronics and Interfacing team meets the needs of INSP research teams in the field of scientific instrumentation in the broadest sense.

Its field of intervention covers electronics, servo-controls, computer science dedicated to instrument control, data collection and processing, as well as some of the mechanics necessary for these achievements.

It designs and produces electronic devices for the different teams of the Institute.
It ensures the maintenance of existing equipment as well as that coming from industry.
It develops software for the control of experiments.


  • Francis Breton: francis.breton(at)insp.jussieu.fr
  • Silbé Majrab: silbe.majrab(at)insp.jussieu.fr

For INSP members only, see conditions of use in the intranet: www.insp.upmc.fr/-Electronique-et-interfacage,369-.html