Whispering gallery modes in microdiscs
Light can be confined within micro- or nanostructures, resulting in both resonance and energy localization. In cylindrical dielectric microstructures, resonant modes propagate along the circles bounding the cylinder: these are called whispering gallery modes. The energy is then localized in a ring, with an intense evanescent extension near the micro-cylinder. These highly resonant modes are used for microlasers, photonic devices and biosensing. However, manufacturing such high-quality resonators on a chip requires a complex, time-consuming and costly cleanroom lithographic process, which is a limitation for industrial use. Members of the Acoustics and Optics for Nanoscience and Quantum team have developed a versatile, fast and inexpensive photolithography process for fabricating such resonant cavities, paving the way for laser applications.
Caption :
(1) Image MEB d’un micro-résonateur. (2) Image de fluorescence des modes de galerie résonants à l’intérieur du microdisque. (3) Spectres des modes de galerie (noir) et de ses modes en polarisation TE (rouge) et TM (bleu).
Photolithographed Whispering Gallery Mode Microdisk Cavities Coupled to Semiconductor Quantum Dots
Charlie Kersuzan, Sergei Celaj, Willy Daney de Marcillac, Thomas Pons, Agnès Maître
ACS Photonics, 11(4), 1715-1723 (2024)
Agnès Maître : agnes.maitre(at)sorbonne-universite.fr