Jose Ordonez-Miranda, Modeling heat transport in nanomaterials

José Ordonez-Miranda, CNRS research fellow, joined INSP on September 2, 2024, in the Acoustics and Optics for Nanosciences and Quantum Sciences team.

His field of research is the heat transport driven by phonons, photons, electrons and polaritons propagating in nanomaterials. Boltzmann’s transport equation, Maxwell’s equations of electromagnetism and fluctuational electrodynamics are his main theoretical modeling tools.

As a new member of the team, Jose is going to continue his research activities on the predictions of new physical effects and the conception of thermal devices driven by heat conduction, thermal radiation, and acoustics.


Jose holds a PhD in physics from CINVESTAV (Mexico), obtained in 2011 in collaboration with the University of Colorado at Boulder, USA. In the same year, his thesis was recognized by CINVESTAV and the National Autonomous University of Mexico as the best doctoral thesis in science and materials science in Mexico, respectively. He then completed a post-doctorate (2012-2015) in the EM2C laboratory at École Centrale Paris. Thanks to his research activities, Jose has published 136 scientific articles, one book and one book chapter. He has been recognized as a distinguished researcher by the International Association of Photoacoustics and Photothermics and the Peruvian government’s agency for science and technology.

He was recruited by CNRS in October 2015 at the Pprime Institute in Poitiers, where he worked until August 2020. José then joined the CNRS LIMMS laboratory located at the University of Tokyo, Japan, where he remained until August 2024.

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