Equipe: Chemical Physics and Dynamics of Surfaces

Pluchery Olivier Bichromatics

Pluchery Olivier Bichromatics

back to my home page (ENG)  ||  Retour à ma page d’accueil (FR) The bichromatics project Gold meets nanotechnology and create new visual effects in materials. Translucent materials become bichromatic, with two very different...

Pluchery Olivier Videos

Pluchery Olivier Videos

Back to my home page (ENG)  ||  Retour à ma page d’accueil (FR) Video On this page you will find links to videos in French and in English, produced for my outreach conferences, scientific presentations...

Pluchery Olivier

My current research activities focus on the electronic and plasmonic properties of gold nanoparticles. (1) Characterization and control of the electronic properties at the scale of a single nanoparticle: work function and electrical charge...

An Introduction to Plasmonics

What is a plasmon? Is it a particle, like a photon or a wave? Plasmonics stands at the frontier of condensed matter physics, which is the world of electrons, optics and of photons. Plasmonics...

Blue Phase Liquid Crystals

Blue Phase Liquid Crystals

Blue Phase Liquid Crystals PhD Student: Xintao Zheng Year of the defense: 2026 Funding: CHINA SCHOLARSHIP COUNCIL Team(s): Chemical Physics and Dynamics of Surfaces   Teams’ Page of thesis : Chemical Physics and Dynamics...