Chemistry room

  • Salle de chimie
    © INSP - Cécile Duflot

The chemistry room is shared by the whole INSP and is used by many people.

Its activity includes the synthesis of nanoparticles (gold, QDs) and molecules (semi-fluorinated alkanes) under controlled atmosphere (vacuum ramps), the surface functionalization of nanoparticles and their deposition as thin films on substrate (glass, silicon…) by spin-coating.


Sorbents equipped with vacuum ramp, spin-coater, ultrasonic bath, centrifuges, weighing scales, heating and stirring plates, ovens, rotary evaporator, water demineralization system, glassware and consumables.

See the terms of use of the chemistry room in the intranet:


Yoann Prado : yoann.prado(at)