ANR – Hybrid photostrictive-magnetic nanocomposites – HYPNOSE

The HYPNOSE project aims to pioneer a novel approach to magnetization manipulation by integrating hybrid systems and optical control techniques. The project focuses on the development of vertically self-assembled nanocomposites, consisting of epitaxial magnetic nanopillars embedded in photostrictive thin films, to enable light-driven magnetization control. Initial efforts will optimize the coupling between photostrictive and magnetic properties, utilizing pulsed laser ablation to precisely control the nanocomposites’ structure. The dynamic response of these systems will be explored through advanced pump-probe techniques, including time-resolved Kerr effect and X-ray scattering, to study ultrafast magnetization dynamics.

The project will be developed within a collaboration between the NQMAG group of INSP, Laboratoire de Chimie Physique – Matière et Rayonnement – LCPMR, SOLEIL Synchrotron, and Laboratoire d’Optique Appliquée – LOA.

LCPMR group’s website

SOLEIL group’s website

LOA group’s website