
Articles publiés par les membres de l’INSP et déposés sur le site d’archive ouverte HAL


2532 documents

  • K. Zaghib, A. Mauger, J. B. Goodenough, F. Gendron, C. M. Julien. Electronic, Optical, and Magnetic Properties of LiFePO4: Small Magnetic Polaron Effects. Chemistry of Materials, 2007, 19, pp.3740-3747. ⟨10.1021/cm0710296⟩. ⟨hal-00341556⟩
  • Christian Julien, A. Ait Salah, F. Gendron, Jean-François Morhange, A. Mauger, et al.. Microstructure of LiXPO4 (X = Ni, Co, Mn) prepared by solid state chemical reaction. Scripta Materialia, 2006, 55 (12), pp.1179-1182. ⟨10.1016/j.scriptamat.2006.07.011⟩. ⟨hal-01293304⟩
  • E. Popova, C. Tiusan, A. Schuhl, F. Gendron, N. A. Lesnik. Ferromagnetic resonance in the epitaxial system Fe/MgO/Fe with coupled magnetic layers. Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2006, 74 (22), pp.224415. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.74.224415⟩. ⟨hal-01293048⟩
  • Canhua Liu, Iwao Matsuda, Marie d'Angelo, Shuji Hasegawa, Jun Okabayashi, et al.. Self-assembly of two-dimensional nanoclusters observed with STM: From surface molecules to surface superstructure. Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 2006, 74 (23), pp.235420. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.74.235420⟩. ⟨hal-01288827⟩
  • Bernard Bonello, C. Charles, François Ganot. Velocity of a SAW propagating in a 2D phononic crystal. Ultrasonics, 2006, 44 (1), pp.E1259-E1263. ⟨10.1016/j.ultras.2006.05.079⟩. ⟨hal-01288517⟩
  • Bernard Perrin, Emmanuel Peronne, Laurent Belliard. Generation and detection of incoherent phonons in picosecond ultrasonics. Ultrasonics, 2006, 44 (1), pp.E1277-E1281. ⟨10.1016/j.ultras.2006.05.081⟩. ⟨hal-01288519⟩
  • C. Testelin, Emmanuel Aubry, M. Chaouache, M. Maaref, Frédéric Bernardot, et al.. Two time scales of the electron-hole spin relaxation in InAs/GaAS quantum dots. physica status solidi (b), 2006, 243 (15), pp.3928-3931. ⟨10.1002/pssb.200671603⟩. ⟨hal-01284393⟩
  • Marco Romanelli, Céline Vion, Carlos Barthou, Paul Bénalloul, Jean-Marc Frigerio, et al.. Experimental study of 3D self-assembled photonic crystals. 1st IWOFM-3rd IWONN conference, Dec 2006, Halong, Vietnam. ⟨hal-00431481⟩
  • C. Deiss, N. Rohringer, J. Burgdöerfer, E. Lamour, Christophe Prigent, et al.. X-ray generation by laser-cluster interaction. Journal de Physique IV Proceedings, 2006, 138, pp.55-62. ⟨10.1051/jp4:2006138007⟩. ⟨hal-01281104⟩
  • K. Zaghib, N. Ravet, M. Gauthier, F. Gendron, A. Mauger, et al.. Optimized electrochemical performance of LiFePO4 at 60 degrees C with purity controlled by SQUID magnetometry. Journal of Power Sources, 2006, 163 (1, SI), pp.560-566. ⟨10.1016/j.jpowsour.2006.09.030⟩. ⟨hal-01293310⟩