
Articles publiés par les membres de l’INSP et déposés sur le site d’archive ouverte HAL


2532 documents

  • Majid Rashidi-Huyeh, Sebastian Volz, B. Palpant. Non-Fourier heat transport in metal-dielectric core-shell nanoparticles under ultrafast laser pulse excitation. 2008. ⟨hal-00286907⟩
  • Majid Rashidi-Huyeh, Sebastian Volz, Bruno Palpant. Cooling Dynamics of a Gold Nanoparticle in a Host Medium Under Ultrafast Laser Pulse Excitation: A Ballistic-Diffusive Approach. Journal of Heat Transfer, 2008, 1, pp.1. ⟨hal-00286714⟩
  • Claudine Noguera, Jacek Goniakowski. Polarity in oxide ultrathin films. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2008, 20 (26), pp.264003. ⟨10.1088/0953-8984/20/26/264003⟩. ⟨hal-00425184⟩
  • Marie-Claire Saint-Lager, Aude Bailly, Miguel Mantilla, Stéphanie Garaudée, Rémi Lazzari, et al.. Looking by grazing incidence small angle x-ray scattering at gold nanoparticles supported on rutile TiO2 (110) during CO oxidation. Gold bulletin : a quarterly review of research on gold and its applications in industry, 2008, 41 (2), pp.159-166. ⟨10.1007/BF03216593⟩. ⟨hal-00703353⟩
  • Kenneth M. Beck, Alan G. Joly, Oliver Diwald, Slavica Stankic, Paolo E. Trevisanutto, et al.. Energy and site selectivity in O-atom photodesorption from nanostructured MgO. Surface Science : A Journal Devoted to the Physics and Chemistry of Interfaces, 2008, 602 (11), pp.1968-1973. ⟨10.1016/j.susc.2008.03.046⟩. ⟨hal-01293333⟩
  • C. V. Ramana, U. Becker, V. Shutthanandan, C. M. Julien. Oxidation and metal-insertion in molybdenite surfaces: evaluation of charge-transfer mechanisms and dynamics. Geochemical Transactions, 2008, 9, pp.8. ⟨10.1186/1467-4866-9-8⟩. ⟨hal-01281533⟩
  • I. Stenger, B. Gallas, L. Siozade, C. -C. Kao, S. Chenot, et al.. Evolution of the optical properties of Si nanoparticles embedded in SiO(2) as function of annealing conditions. Journal of Applied Physics, 2008, 103 (11), pp.114303. ⟨10.1063/1.2937086⟩. ⟨hal-01281532⟩
  • Yu. A. Litvinov, F. Bosch, N. Winckler, D. Boutin, H. G. Essel, et al.. Observation of non-exponential orbital electron capture decays of hydrogen-like (140)Pr and (142)Pm ions. Physics Letters B, 2008, 664 (3), pp.162-168. ⟨10.1016/j.physletb.2008.04.062⟩. ⟨hal-01281100⟩
  • B. Clerjaud, D. Wasik, R. Bouanani-Rahbi, G. Strzelecka, A. Hruban, et al.. On the formation of complexes between Mn acceptors and hydrogen in GaP and GaMnP alloys. Journal of Applied Physics, 2008, 103 (12), pp.123507. ⟨10.1063/1.2939089⟩. ⟨hal-01281539⟩
  • Markus Mueller, Andreas Sternig, Slavica Stankic, Michael Stoeger-Pollach, Johannes Bernardi, et al.. Nanoparticles as a support: CaO deposits on MgO cubes. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2008, 112 (25), pp.9120-9123. ⟨10.1021/jp802854z⟩. ⟨hal-01293334⟩