Séminaire / Seminar – From single photon emission to photon-photon operations – Hanna le Jeannic – 11/10/24

11 h 00 min
INSP - Sorbonne Université
Sorbonne Université Campus Pierre et Marie Curie 4 place Jussieu, Paris, 75005
Type d’évènement/Event category

Barre 12-22, 4e étage, pièce 426

Hanna le Jeannic – LKB


Quantum emitters have long served as a fundamental tool for generating single photons. In this presentation, we will focus on solid-state quantum emitters, particularly quantum dots, and explore their unique properties as quantum light sources. We will first review the case of perovskite nanocrystals, which enable room-temperature emission [1], and discuss their integration with nanophotonic waveguides.
Next, we will examine self-assembled InGaAs quantum dots, going beyond their single-photon emission capabilities. We will demonstrate how their incorporation into photonic waveguides enables highly efficient light-matter interactions [2], and investigate their potential for generating giant nonlinearities, such as few-photon-level phase shifts [3], paving the way for advanced photon-photon operations [4].

[1] .M D’Amato et al., Nano Letters, 23, 22, 10228–10235 (2023)
[2] H. Le Jeannic et al., PRL 126 023603 (2021)
[3] M.J. R. Staunstrup et al., Nat. Comm., 15, 7583, (2024)
[4] H Le Jeannic, et al., Nat. Phys. 18 (10), 1191-1195 (2022).