Physico-chimie et dynamique des surfaces – Publications

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595 documents

  • Nadine Witkowski, Olivier Pluchery, Yves Borensztein, S. Royer. RAS investigation of benzene adsorption on vicinal single domain Si(001)-(2x1) surfaces. physica status solidi (c), 2005, 2, pp.4053. ⟨10.1002/pssc.200562230⟩. ⟨hal-00017061⟩
  • Jp. Garandet, G. Boutet, P. Lehmann, B. Drevet, D. Camel, et al.. Morphological instabilities of a solid-liquid interface and cellular growth: Insights from thermoelectric measurements in microgravity experiments.. Journal of Crystal Growth, 2005, Volume 279 (Issues 1-2), p. 195-205. ⟨10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2005.01.108⟩. ⟨hal-00005842⟩
  • Yves Borensztein. Differential reflectance spectroscopies of semiconductor surfaces. physica status solidi (a), 2005, 202, pp.1313. ⟨10.1002/pssa.200460915⟩. ⟨hal-00017051⟩
  • S. Remita, Pascal Fontaine, C. Rochas, F. Muller, M. Goldmann. Radiation induced synthesis of silver nanoshells formed onto organic micelles. The European Physical Journal D : Atomic, molecular, optical and plasma physics, 2005, 34, pp.231. ⟨10.1140/epjd/e2005-00149-x⟩. ⟨hal-00017060⟩
  • Olivier Pluchery, Nadine Witkowski, Yves Borensztein. Investigation of molecule chemisorption on Si(001)2x1 surfaces by surface reflectance spectroscopies. physica status solidi (b), 2005, 242, pp.2696. ⟨10.1002/pssb.200541173⟩. ⟨hal-00017054⟩
  • A. Kohen, Yves Noat, T. Proslier, Emmanuelle Lacaze, W. Sacks, et al.. Fabrication and characterization of scanning tunneling microscopy superconducting Nb tips having highly enhanced critical fields. Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications, 2005, 419, pp.18. ⟨10.1016/j.physc.2004.12.001⟩. ⟨hal-00016927⟩
  • Silvère Akamatsu, Sabine Bottin-Rousseau, Gabriel Faivre. Stability of lamellar eutectic growth in thick samples.. à paraître dans Phil. Mag., 2005, à paraître dans Phil. Mag., à paraître dans Phil. Mag. ⟨hal-00008945⟩
  • J. P. Michel, Emmanuelle Lacaze, M. Goldmann, M. de Boissieu, M. Gailhanou, et al.. "Revealing the structure of focal conics cores and their influence on the evolution with temperature: an x-ray study of ultra-thin 8CB films". Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 2005, 437, pp.1343. ⟨10.1080/15421400590954308⟩. ⟨hal-00017062⟩
  • Yves Borensztein, Olivier Pluchery, Nadine Witkowski. Probing the Si-Si Dimer Breaking of Si(100) 2x1 Surfaces upon Molecule Adsorption by Optical Spectroscopy. Physical Review Letters, 2005, 95, pp.117402. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevLett.95.117402⟩. ⟨hal-00017057⟩
  • G. Renaud, Rémi Lazzari, Christine Revenant, Antoine Barbier, Marion Noblet, et al.. Real-Time Monitoring of Growing Nanoparticles. Science, 2003, 300 (5624), pp.1416 - 1419. ⟨10.1126/science.1082146⟩. ⟨hal-01442871⟩