Articles de revues

Articles publiés par les membres de l’INSP et déposés sur le site d’archive ouverte HAL

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3569 documents

  • Florent Perez, Bernard Jusserand, Claus Dahl, Marcel Filoche, Laurence Ferlazzo-Manin, et al.. Folded and confined one-dimensional plasmons in modulated wires. Superlattices and Microstructures, 1997, 22 (2), pp.257-260. ⟨10.1006/spmi.1996.0346⟩. ⟨hal-02442495⟩
  • P.W Gilberd, P.B Johnson, I.C Vickridge, A.C Wismayer. TEM and IBA study of the thermal oxidation of V following high dose He implantation. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 1997, 244 (1), pp.51 - 58. ⟨10.1016/S0022-3115(96)00726-X⟩. ⟨hal-01513005⟩
  • Florent Perez, Bernard Jusserand, Claus Dahl, Marcel Filoche, Laurence Ferlazzo-Manin, et al.. Folded and confined one-dimensional plasmons in modulated wires. Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (1998-2015), 1996, 54 (16), pp.R11098-R11101. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevB.54.R11098⟩. ⟨hal-02442459⟩
  • J Bailly, P. Pourquier, J Jaffrézou, E Duchayne, G Cassar, et al.. Effect of 5637-conditioned medium and recombinant cytokines on P-glycoprotein expression in a human GM-CSF-dependent leukemic myeloid cell line.. Leukemia, 1995, 9 (10), pp.1718-25. ⟨inserm-02438206⟩
  • Mustapha Abdelmoula, Thomas Ceva, Bernard Croset, Nicole Dupont-Pavlovsky. Krypton adsorption on (0001) graphite pre-plated with carbon tetrachloride.. Surface Science : A Journal Devoted to the Physics and Chemistry of Interfaces, 1992, ⟨10.1016/0039-6028(92)91434-D⟩. ⟨hal-01614369⟩
  • A. L'Hoir, S. Andriamonje, R. Anne, N.V. de Castro Faria, M. Chevallier, et al.. Impact parameter dependence of energy loss and target-electron-induced ionization for 27 MeV/u Xe35+ incident ions transmitted in [110] Si channels. 13th International Conference on Atomic Collisions in Solids, Aug 1989, Aarhus, Denmark. pp.145-155, ⟨10.1016/0168-583X(90)90093-A⟩. ⟨in2p3-00719958⟩
  • J. Mérot, M. Bidet, B. Gachot, S. Le Maout, N. Koechlin, et al.. Electrical properties of rabbit early distal convoluted tubule in primary culture. American Journal of Physiology. Renal Physiology, 1989, 257 (2), pp.F288-F299. ⟨10.1152/ajprenal.1989.257.2.F288⟩. ⟨hal-02918041⟩
  • Jérome Chevalier, A Jalil, Bertrand Theys, Jc Pesant, M Aucouturier, et al.. Hydrogen Diffusion and Shallow Acceptor Passivation in p‐Type InP. Materials Science Forum, 1989, Unknown, Unknown Region. pp.991-996, ⟨10.4028/⟩. ⟨hal-01670945⟩
  • Jérôme Chevalier, A Jalil, Bertrand Theys, Jc Pesant, M Aucouturier, et al.. Hydrogen Diffusion and Shallow Acceptor Passivation in p‐Type InP. Materials Science Forum, 1989, Unknown, Unknown Region. pp.991-996, ⟨10.1088/0268-1242/4/2/006⟩. ⟨hal-01670960⟩