Equipe : Physico-chimie et dynamique des surfaces

Couverture ACS

Article en couverture d’ACS Appl. Electron. Mater

In Situ Mapping of the Vectorial Electric Field within a Nanocrystal-Based Focal Plane Array Using Photoemission Microscopy Adrien Khalil, Mariarosa Cavallo, Erwan Bossavit, Rodolphe Alchaar, Tung Huu Dang, Corentin Dabard, Huichen Zhang, Nicolas Ledos, Victor Parahyba, Pierre Potet, James K. Utterback, Yoann...

Jean-Noël Aqua

Aqua Jean-Noël

GDR 2023- : directeur du GdR MatÉpi 2017-2021 : directeur du GdR PULSE Colloques, conférences, écoles d’été 2023 : organisateur de la conférence MatEpi 2023 2021 : école d’été PULSE 2021 2017 : organisateur de la conférence PULSE...

Workshop on colloidal nanocrystals – 04/05/23

04/05/2023 @ Toute la journée/All day long – Workshop infrared Nanocrystals Tower 22, 3rd floor, room 22-23-317. Registration is free but mandatory at workshopIR23(at)insp.upmc.fr. Number of sit is limited to 60 people. First arrived, first register basis. Speakers: Philippe Guyot Sionnest (U. Chicago), « Improving radiative recombination in mid-infrared colloidal quantum dot for better detectors and light sources » Jonathan Steckel (ST), « QD Image Sensor Technology Scaled to 300mm […]

Séminaire/Seminar – Opportunities for soft matter science at surfaces and interfaces on the beamline SIRIUS (synchrotron SOLEIL) – Arnaud Hermmele – 22/03/23

22/03/2023 @ 10 h 00 min-11 h 30 min – Barre 22-12, 4e étage, salle 426 Arnaud Hemmele – Synchrotron SOLEIL Abstract The macroscopic behavior of soft matter systems, such as lipid membranes, liquid crystals, colloids, and polymers, is deeply related to their internal (self-)organization at the nanoscale. In general, the properties of surfaces and interfaces can be radically different than those of the bulk, which is particularly important for […]

Workshop – Defects and self-organization – 22/02/23

22/02/2023 @ 8 h 30 min-14 h 30 min – Corridor 22-12, 4th floor, room 426   8h30: coffee   9h – 9h40: “How to Classify Dislocations” Randall Kamien (U-Penn, USA) 9h40 – 9h55: “Interaction of smectic A defects with light, and application to active glazing » Camille Mahyaoui (LPS) 9h55 – 10h10: “Topological defects in thin smectic films” Jean de Dieu Niyonzima (INSP) 10h10 – […]