Equipe : Physico-chimie et dynamique des surfaces

Séminaire / Seminar – Using plasmonics to improve the performance of infrared quantum dot-based devices – Augustin Caillas – 23/09/24

26/09/2024 @ 11 h 00 min – Barre 12-22 426   Augustin Caillas – James Franck Institute, The University of Chicago Abstract As the field of colloidal quantum dot (CQD) optoelectronics advances rapidly, enhancing light-matter interactions within these systems has become a key focus to improve device performance, boost efficiency, and enable advanced functionalities. In recent years, various optically resonant architectures—such as […]

Soutenance de thèse / PhD Defense – Pedro Silva – 26/07/24

26/07/2024 @ 0 h 00 min – Pedro Silva, doctorant dans l’équipe Physico-chimie et dynamique des surfaces soutient s thèse le vendredi 26 juillet 2024 à l’Instituto Superior Técnico à l’Université de Lisbonne (Portugal).     Films de Langmuir de perfluoroalkylalcanes : études multi-échelle sur des effets de la structure moléculaire, du mélange et de la déformabilité de la subphase Les perfluoroalkylalcanes […]

Workshop – The science of defects: a tribute to physicist Maurice Kleman – 10/10/24

10/10/2024 @ 9 h 15 min-17 h 30 min – On October 10, 2024, we will organize a scientific day in honor of Maurice Kleman (1934-2021). This meeting, entitled ‘The science of defects: a tribute to the physicist Maurice Kleman’, will illustrate the richness of Maurice Kleman’s scientific contributions through high-level scientific presentations. The event will take place in Paris at the IPGG Amphitheater (6, […]

Mini workshop – Optoelectronics using nanocrystals – 25/03/24

25/03/2024 @ 9 h 30 min-12 h 00 min – 12-22 – 426 Program 9h30-10 am : John Peterson (U Chicago) Electrical Characterization and Analysis of HgTe CQD Photodiodes 10h-10-30 am : Mariarosa Cavallo (INSP) Operando mapping of nanocrystal based energy landscape using X-ray photoemission 10h30-11 am: Charlie Kersuzan (INSP -LPEM) Polymeric whispering gallery modes for microlasers applications. 11h-11 :30 am: Erwan Bossavit (Soleil – […]