Workshop – The science of defects: a tribute to physicist Maurice Kleman – 10/10/24

9 h 15 min-17 h 30 min
IPGG Amphitheater
6, rue Jean Calvin, Paris, France, 75005
Type d’évènement/Event category

On October 10, 2024, we will organize a scientific day in honor of Maurice Kleman (1934-2021). This meeting, entitled ‘The science of defects: a tribute to the physicist Maurice Kleman’, will illustrate the richness of Maurice Kleman’s scientific contributions through high-level scientific presentations.

The event will take place in Paris at the IPGG Amphitheater (6, rue Jean Calvin, 75005).

There is no registration fee, but registration is required by Tuesday, September 10 2024.

The Organizing Committee: C. Blanc, E. Lacaze, C. Quilliet, E. Raphaël and F. Sorrentino.


09h15 – 09h30 Welcoming coffee

09h30 – 10h00 Oleg Lavrentovich (Kent State Univ., USA) – Defect and patterns of ferroelectric nematic liquid crystals
10h00 – 10h30 Nikta Fakhri (MIT, USA) – The many faces of living chiral crystals

10h30 – 11h00 Coffee break

11h00 – 11h30 Hajime Tanaka (Tokyo Univ., Japan) – Exploring hidden order and defects in amorphous materials
11h30 – 12h00 Guilhem Poy (CNRS, Univ. Montpellier, France) – Multiscale modelling of liquid crystal topological solitons and defects, and their interactions with light

12h00 – 13h30 Lunch break

13h30 – 14h00 Eric Akkermans (Technion, Israel Institute of Technology) – Relating the Toulouse-Kleman classification to the tenfold periodic table for quantum topological matter
14h00 – 14h30 Maria Helena Godinho (Univ. NOVA de Lisboa, Portugal) – Defects in cellulose nanocrystal twisted solid iridescent films 14h30 – 15h00 Randall Kamien (Univ, of Pennsylvania, USA) – A bouquet for Maurice: focal conics in sessile droplets
15h00 – 15h30 Teresa Lopez-Leon (CNRS, ESPCI, France) – ТВА

15h30 – 16h00 Coffee break

16h15 – 17h30 Recollections
Tim Sluckin: Maurice Kleman, international man of science Pawel Pieranski: Links, knots and tangles made of dislocations in cholesterics
Kathryn McGrath: Packing symmetry, defects and optical textures in liquid crystals:
Perspectives from condensed matter physics André Thiaville: Magnetic textures: the approach of Maurice Kleman François Lequeux: Curved spaces, defects and plasticity of amorphous materials
Claire Meyer: From defects to windows
Jean-Paul Poirier: Maurice Kleman, un grand physicien, mon meilleur ami.

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