Quasi-resonant optical spectroscopy of interlayer excitons in H-stack MoSe2/WSe2 moire heterostructure – Antoine Borel – 18/06/24

14 h 00 min
INSP - Sorbonne Université
Sorbonne Université Campus Pierre et Marie Curie 4 place Jussieu, Paris, 75005
Type d’évènement/Event category


Antoine Borel, post-doctorant dans l’équipe de Brian Gerardot, Université Heriot-Watt (Edimbourg)


For the past two decades, substantial efforts have been led to build efficient single photon sources as building blocks for quantum communication and quantum computing, involving different material dimensions such as epitaxial quantum dot (0D), chemically functionalized carbon nanotubes (1D) or moire heterostructure in 2D materials. Among those, epitaxial quantum dots in cavity in the Purcell regime are the purest and most efficient single photon sources. However, recent focus on collective effects such as super-radiance, cooperative emission or strongly correlated states gave additional interests on 2D materials as they can act as a backbone to locate quantum emitters in close vicinity to each other, while the growth of epitaxial quantum dots remains spatially random. 2D materials being surface materials, they still suffer from local dielectric and strain disorders which make the quantum emitters distinguishable and limit the apparition of collective properties. To better understand the optical properties of such quantum emitters, low-temperature optical spectroscopy is performed in the frequential and time domains.

In this talk, I will present a recent study on the quasi-resonant spectroscopy study of localized excitons in a moire MoSe2/WSe2 2D heterostructure and its interplay with phonons.