================================= README for IsGISAXS - version 2.6 ================================= Installations instructions - Copy all the files in the same directory, respecting the tree for doc folder. - Be careful that the *.inf files have the read-write attributes. - Edit the gisaxs.inf and graph.inf files and add the path for your prefered text editor, web browser which be launched by IsGISAXS - Read the manual ! - Run IsGISAXS.exe on the supplied examples files. An overview can be obtained using the batch file examples\in.bah. In case of any problems, contact the author. However, do not forget that you have accepted the license agreement concerning IsGISAXS. Rémi Lazzari Institut des NanoSciences de Paris CNRS UMR 7588 - Universités Paris VI-VII Campus Boucicaut 140 Rue de Lourmel France Tel: (33)-1-44-27-46-28 Fax: (33)-1-43-54-28-78 Email: lazzari@insp.jussieu.fr https:\\w3.insp.jussieu.fr